
Supporting special needs children

Sep 24, 2021

Sappani Foundation is proud to announce that it is working with UK-based Serendip Childrens Home to support eight schools with special needs units in Mullaitivu, Sri Lanka. Our aim is to help children with developmental disabilities such as autism and physical disabilities affecting their daily life, to have the educational environment that best supports their needs.

With the special need units for each school costing $2,200, Serendip Childrens Home needs approximately $20,000 to upgrade eight schools and support efforts to train specialist teachers. To help reach this target, the Sappani Foundation will match $1 for every $1 raised.

Please support today with your donations at!

At Sappani Foundation, we believe education has the single largest impact in our ability to transform lives of people from impoverished communities. Through this project we wish to support the children and bring the best of their ability.

For more information about the project, please visit the Serendip website.


In North and East Sri Lanka, the necessary facilities to support children living with developmental and physical disabilities is lacking or non-existent. Furthermore, there is limited understanding of the needs of these children by teachers of standard schools as well as parents. Often these children are either kept at home or sent to standard schools. As a result, these children do not receive the support for their needs, limiting their opportunities to have an independent future. 

Special needs units

We will set-up a dedicated special need unit at each school with: